Saturday, May 21, 2016

Language Teaching with PADLET

Hello everyone after a while :)
This week, I want to introduce a tool which is called as Padlet. Padlet is a free application to an online bulletin board that you can use to display information for any topic. It is an online piece of paper where people can put any content anywhere on tha page, together with anyone, using any device. It allows the people express their thoughts on a common topic easily.
It is easy to create an account and build a new board.You can add images, links, videos, and more.It creates collaborative environment for teamwork and group projects.
It allows people to pin text, images, videos, audio files, documents and links onto a bulletin board using a simple drag .
What can we do with Padlets?
We can create a wall as a place for us to:
Share ideas
Collect the feedback
Take notes
How does it work?
1.Create an account
2. Click the new Padlet

3. There is a menu on the right of the page.

4. You can set a suitable wallpaper for your padlet.

5. You can choose a form which is suitable for your padlet.

6. How can we share?

7.It looks like this.

Finally, this tool is useful for any teaching. I think it is a creative way to teach a language . We, as a future  teacher, can provide useful tools and teach our students how to become creative with the technology.
I hope you will enjoy it. Have a good day see you :)

Sunday, May 1, 2016


Hello! Everybody :)
I want to introduce a tool called as Storybird. I think you will find it useful.

Storybird is a website where you can create your own digital books in minutes. It is a creative global community of readers, writers, artists, and educators. You can create private and public stories and this site does not allow public stories and comments that use of copyrighted ideas, characters, or intellectual property and contain explicit or provocative content. We can use this site to create, discover, learn, connect, sell and chill. Of course this website has both advantages and disadvantages. These advantages include:
It lets anyone make art-inspired stories in seconds.
You can create artworks by inviting your partner to work.
You can work on the same Project collaboratively at the same time.
You can share your works with social media such as twitter, facebook, instagram and ffinally storybird if you create public stories. If you write private, you can share only storybird and additionally you can give the link of your study to your friends or family.
One problem we have encountered while working on our digital story was not to take a picture from another book and we only had to use pictures on the page and this restricted us. I mentioned so many things about it. That is allright. How does it work? I will tell step by step how it works.
You can create artistic works only four steps.
Step 1: Get inspired: Browse artwork and get inspired. You can choose an illustrator or search a portfolio of images using keywords.

Step 2: Choose a format: Picture boks(more art, less text); Longform (chapters, less art) or Poetry(one image, select words)

Step 3: Tell your story: Drag and drop images onto your Picture book as you write. Use this insert button to illustrate longform chapters. Refresh Word sets and art to create visual poetry.

Step 4: Publish, Share and Print: Publish your work to Storybird's public library or keep private. Share on your social networks, via email , or embed elsewhere.

I want to mention the use of Storybird in the foreign language teaching. It is a different way to present the information. Thanks to technology, we can now have the opportunity to offer our students a variety of choices for completing and other assessments for class as a future teacher. Storybird helps the students to build their skills and to create something that they can share with others. An added benefit is that we can share their boks printed and displayed in the classroom.

Finally, do you think of joining to Storybird?
You can discover this website and see all things about Storybird by clicking this link: Storybird
Yes, I think it is enough for this week. Please, let me know if you discover useful sites. I hope you will enjoy it. See you next week :)

Monday, April 25, 2016

Preschool English for Kids

Hi! Everyone!
This week, l will introduce an app. lts name is Preschool English for kids. This is a funny, informative app and full of visuals that attract the attention of kids. When you download this app, you will hear a song and come across the below page.

When you choose a quiz, you hear the instruction and you can go on by doing what to be wanted and you take a score at the end of game. There are options that children can choose. I think it is useful to teach English for children. For example; when you click the color balls, you are supposed to find the same letter.
The other example; when you choose the letter hop, you are supposed to have the frog jump in true sequence in turn.
I think that children can learn while they are enjoying at the same time. Children can learn the basic grammer subjects while they think they are playing a game. If you want to use this app, you can find the below link: Preschool English . I hope you enjoy it. See you :)

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Hi! Dear friends!
We have a digital story project  for our Material Design and Technology lecture. I worked with my partner Gül .We have 3 options. First option is to tell this question: ''what it means to be good friends? '' in the story. Second option is to tell this process: ''HOW TO Project'' in the story and finally third option is to create a fictional story. We chose third option. We are supposed to develop characters, decide on the setting, the sequence of events, conflict, climax and resolution, write the script, prepare your storyboard, sequence the images in the video editör and finally add the narrative track. We have used a program named Storybird and discovered what we could do with it. We worked on this project together online. We had difficulties sometimes. Because we were restricted  to use pictures on the site. That is; we chose an image and we had to create the story with only the pictures on the website. But still I think it make us to create something with the restricted but so many subjects. Working collaboratively saved our time and we could see that we could create something together. I think students' creating a digital story would contribute to their foreign language development because it triggers creativity, quickly draws them into the writing process, scaffolds their progress and also simple tools keeps them on track.
Here is our digital story link: THE WICKED SORCERESS We hope you will enjoy. See you until the other post:)

Thursday, March 31, 2016


Hello Dear My Readers!
This week, I want to introduce a web site that is for children to aim teaching English with funny activities and also provides materials to tutors. Its name is ESL Kids.This site came into existence in 2006 and the author of this website is Kisi (Kisito Futonge)He is simply a language enthusiasts who likes teaching and learning other languages and also a fluent speaker of other languages like Mandarin, French & a couple of West African Languages.The content of the website includes grammar lessons, worksheets, funny games, flashcards, powerpoints and other materials  for children's education. It provide suggestions for teachers and parents.A bad side of this website is that I could not see a date that shows when the site has last been updated.I trust the accuracy of the information in site and I could not find any errors. The images are provided with a high quality and appealing for children. Children can learn grammatical issues and these issues are consolidated with worksheets that are related to grammar. Morover, children also have fun with different activities and games. They can learn while thay are having fun. Sometimes I have diffuculty in opening some connections but when looked entirely, I highly recommend this website to teachers. Lastly, İf you have any suggestion about Elt, please let me know. That's all for this week. Thank you :)

Here are the screenshot and the link of the website I mentioned about above: EFL

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Hello Everbody!

This week I want to introduce RSS and also mention my favorite blog.
Firstly, I want to start with RSS. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and it is a technology that provides you with a method of getting relevant and up to date information sent to you for you to read in your own time. It is being used by millions of web users around the world to keep track of their favorite websites It’s like subscribing to a magazine that is delivered to you periodically but instead of it coming in your physical mail box each month when the magazine is published it is delivered to your ‘RSS Reader’ every time your favorite website updates.
I use feed reader program.I can add and delete blogs that l want to follow in my feed reader  It saves my time and help me to get the information I want quickly after it was published.I advise you to use it. Here is a screenshot of my feedreader.

Here is the my favorite blog :Elt Diary. Alexandre Chistyakova is an English teacher at Moscow State University and the author of Elt Diary. This blog includes the record of her day-to-day teaching experience her observation and reflections and description of the projects she is working on her blog. I advise you to follow it because you may need some suggestion in future.
If you have suggestions about Elt, please let me know by commenting this post. See you next week :)

Thursday, March 17, 2016


Hello! Everbody!
We have a wiki task about a review of one film. We are supposed to create a wikispace, watch a film and write our review to our wiki. I and my pair Gül watched Sherlock Holmes. We wrote our views and comments about this film. While we were working on this task, we felt as a part of a team. We learned how to work collaboratively. I think that the collaboration enhances achievement. I think that wiki has both advantages and disadvantages. Wiki is a good website. Anyone can edit and it is easy to use. Additionaly, it heps us work on the same document. When we look at  the disadvantages of it, it is open to everyone and this causes some problems like changes about original content. We hope you will have an idea about this film if you do not watch it.
Here is the link of our wiki website: Sherlock Holmes