Thursday, March 17, 2016


Hello! Everbody!
We have a wiki task about a review of one film. We are supposed to create a wikispace, watch a film and write our review to our wiki. I and my pair Gül watched Sherlock Holmes. We wrote our views and comments about this film. While we were working on this task, we felt as a part of a team. We learned how to work collaboratively. I think that the collaboration enhances achievement. I think that wiki has both advantages and disadvantages. Wiki is a good website. Anyone can edit and it is easy to use. Additionaly, it heps us work on the same document. When we look at  the disadvantages of it, it is open to everyone and this causes some problems like changes about original content. We hope you will have an idea about this film if you do not watch it.
Here is the link of our wiki website: Sherlock Holmes

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