Sunday, May 1, 2016


Hello! Everybody :)
I want to introduce a tool called as Storybird. I think you will find it useful.

Storybird is a website where you can create your own digital books in minutes. It is a creative global community of readers, writers, artists, and educators. You can create private and public stories and this site does not allow public stories and comments that use of copyrighted ideas, characters, or intellectual property and contain explicit or provocative content. We can use this site to create, discover, learn, connect, sell and chill. Of course this website has both advantages and disadvantages. These advantages include:
It lets anyone make art-inspired stories in seconds.
You can create artworks by inviting your partner to work.
You can work on the same Project collaboratively at the same time.
You can share your works with social media such as twitter, facebook, instagram and ffinally storybird if you create public stories. If you write private, you can share only storybird and additionally you can give the link of your study to your friends or family.
One problem we have encountered while working on our digital story was not to take a picture from another book and we only had to use pictures on the page and this restricted us. I mentioned so many things about it. That is allright. How does it work? I will tell step by step how it works.
You can create artistic works only four steps.
Step 1: Get inspired: Browse artwork and get inspired. You can choose an illustrator or search a portfolio of images using keywords.

Step 2: Choose a format: Picture boks(more art, less text); Longform (chapters, less art) or Poetry(one image, select words)

Step 3: Tell your story: Drag and drop images onto your Picture book as you write. Use this insert button to illustrate longform chapters. Refresh Word sets and art to create visual poetry.

Step 4: Publish, Share and Print: Publish your work to Storybird's public library or keep private. Share on your social networks, via email , or embed elsewhere.

I want to mention the use of Storybird in the foreign language teaching. It is a different way to present the information. Thanks to technology, we can now have the opportunity to offer our students a variety of choices for completing and other assessments for class as a future teacher. Storybird helps the students to build their skills and to create something that they can share with others. An added benefit is that we can share their boks printed and displayed in the classroom.

Finally, do you think of joining to Storybird?
You can discover this website and see all things about Storybird by clicking this link: Storybird
Yes, I think it is enough for this week. Please, let me know if you discover useful sites. I hope you will enjoy it. See you next week :)

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